I *love* to code.

I'm so grateful that I get to do this as part of my research. However, one of my hobbies is to code of up random things in my life that I've always been curious about -- some of them are useful for my research, such as the "Quick Tools for the Observational Astronomer," while others are purely a way for me to explore things and keep learning new ways to code.

visit my GitHub

I'll describe a few of the projects below!

Quick Tools for the Observational Astronomer

These are some of the quick tools I use while observing and writing proposals. Mostly they're scripts I've integrated into my .bashrc so I can run them from the terminal using keywords.

Plotting Playground

I think effective communication through visual media is SO important! This repository stores fun plots I've made for papers, various presentations, and/or outreach programs that others may find fun or useful.

I also include my personal matplotlibrc file!

Hi, how-are-you?

This is just a small script which, when paired with .bashrc, asks you each day to rank how you're feeling and logs it. This code will only prompt you the first time you open your terminal that day.

arXiv Order

Some code I'm writing to pursue a theory about arXiv, uses the python package selenium to access web browsers and collect data. Ran it daily until one of the sites retired & stopped pulling arXiv postings. Now in analysis.

Tracking Texas Gas Prices

I purchased my car after my first year of grad school. Since then, while I lived in Texas I logged all of my gas receipts to see how the price per gallon changes. Now that I've moved to Maryland, I'v also folded in a new tracking set for this state, instead!

PhD Writing Prompts

In grad school, after a writing workshop that a colleague and I attended, I had wanted to make a list of writing prompts to help me overcome my scientific writers block. Using some of the prompts that were given at that workshop and then scouring the internet for more exmaples, I compiled a list and wrote a quick script to randomly print one. Integrating this script as an alias in my terminal means that I can type "writing" in my terminal and get a prompt!